Company name: | Baur Folien GmbH |
Tax number: | 138/122/10275 |
Street: | Gewerbestraße 6 |
Postcode / Place: | 87787 Wolfertschwenden |
Country: Germany | Germany |
Phone: | +49-8334-99991 |
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Managing Directors: | Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Josef Baur, Peter Baur, Simon Baur and Christian Schwank |
Responsible for content: | Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Josef Baur, Peter Baur, Simon Baur and Christian Schwank |
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Picture credits: | Werbewind, Baur Folien Pexels | © maumascaro |
Realisation: | Werbewind - straight ahead. together. creative. strategic. |