Boden- / Doppelmembranspeicher inklusive inklusive Bodenabdichtung
Doppelmembranspeicher mit Bodenabdichtung
Doppelmembrangasspeicher als moderne Alternative
Gasspeicher mit Bodenabdichtung und Doppelmembran

Ground / double membrane storage

Modern alternative

Our double membrane gas storage tanks are a modern alternative without conventional slurry storage tanks as a foundation. Flexible with regard to assembly, we can easily adapt to your system - whether floor slab, ring foundation or concrete ceiling.  As standard version, they are mounted in a stainless steel flat profile, however, other options are also possible.

Round, square, oval - shape and volume are individually selected. Rely on flexible, modern and future-oriented gas storage with our innovative double membrane gas storage tank.


Enquire directly


Material Weather protection membrane made of PVC coated polyester fabric
  Gas storage membrane made of PELD or FPP
  Floor seal made of PELD or FPP
Type of construction Spherical shape with upstand if necessary
Size Round, rectangular or customised special shapes on request
Volume 200 - 20,000 m³, larger volumes on request
Operating pressure + 2 to 3 mbar (standard version), higher pressures on request
Mounting types Double flat profile
Standard colours RAL 6026 opal green / RAL 6005 moss green / RAL 7038 agate grey /
  RAL 7037 dust grey / RAL 7035 light grey / special colours on request
Further specifications Slurry-resistant material, high tear resistance, UV and weather-resistant
  Components TRAS120 compliant
Special features Additional heat protection film to reduce heat loss
  Version with special membrane to reduce odours
  Belt tensioning system over weather protection membrane to create additional reserves
  Replacement foils available for your own system and other systems
  User-friendly, all components can be replaced easily and separately


A doubleOur double membrane gas storage tank is a flexible gas storage system with two independent membranes. The inner membrane stores the gas, while the outer membrane is stabilised by the supporting air pressure and provides weather protection.

The air-filled space between the membranes provides the necessary stability so that safe and adaptable gas storage is granted.

Rely on us for everything you need: from preliminary advise, sales, planning and customisation of the membrane up to the final installation ready for acceptance.



  • Gas storage membranes for biowaste and food waste: Resistant to oils, long-chain hydrocarbons, high emission and odour density, without H2S limit value.
  • Pre-assembled ground membrane with integration of condensate drain and gas extraction lines during installation, laid on a ground fleece in order to protect the groundmembrane
  • Metal components are made of stainless steel